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mlreportgen.ppt.MessageFilter Class

Namespace: mlreportgen.ppt

Filter to control message dispatcher


Filter for messages dispatched by the message dispatcher.

The mlreportgen.ppt.MessageFilter class is a handle class.


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Pass or block debug messages, specified as a logical.

  • true — Pass debug messages.

  • false — Block debug messages.

Data Types: logical

  • true— Pass error messages.

  • false— Block error messages.

Data Types: logical

  • true— Pass all messages.

  • false— Block all messages.

Data Types: logical

  • true— Pass progress messages.

  • false— Block progress messages.

Data Types: logical

  • true— Pass all messages.

  • false— Block all messages.

Data Types: logical

Pass messages only for this PPT object, specified as a PPT object. Pass messages only from the specified PPT object if the messages meet the other filter conditions specified by this MessageFilter object.


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Create the presentation.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*;
pre = Presentation('myPresentation.pptx');

Create the listener and add it to the message dispatcher.

dispatcher = MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher;

dispatcher.Filter.ErrorMessagesPass = true;
dispatcher.Filter.ProgressMessagesPass = false;

l = addlistener(dispatcher,'Message', ...
@(src, evtdata) disp(evtdata.Message.formatAsText));

Create the message and dispatch it before opening.

msg = ErrorMessage('Invalid slide',pre);
dispatch(dispatcher, msg);


Create an error in the program and dispatch the message. Then open the presentation.

titleText = Text('This is a Title');
titleText.Style = {Bold};


Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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