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Display Presentation Generation Messages

Presentation Generation Messages

The PPT API can display messages when you generate a PowerPoint® presentation. The messages are triggered every time a presentation element is created or appended during presentation generation.

You can define additional messages to display while a presentation generates. The PPT API provides these classes for defining messages:

  • ProgressMessage

  • DebugMessage

  • WarningMessage

  • ErrorMessage

The PPT API provides additional classes for handling presentation message dispatching and display. It uses MATLAB® events and listeners to dispatch messages. A message is dispatched based on event data for a specified PPT object. For an introduction to events and listeners, see Event and Listener Concepts.


When you create a message dispatcher, the PPT API keeps the dispatcher until the end of the current MATLAB session. To avoid duplicate reporting of message objects during a MATLAB session, delete message event listeners.

Display PPT Default Messages

This example shows how to display the default PPT debug messages. Use a similar approach for displaying other kinds of PPT presentation messages.

  1. Create a message dispatcher, using the MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher method. Use the same dispatcher for all messages.

    dispatcher = MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher;
  2. To display debug messages, use the MessageDispatcher.Filter property.

    dispatcher.Filter.DebugMessagesPass = true;
  3. Add a listener using the MATLAB addlistener function. Specify the dispatcher object, the source and event data, and a disp function that specifies the event data and format for the message.

    l = addlistener(dispatcher,'Message', ...
          @(src, evtdata) disp(evtdata.Message.formatAsText));
  4. Add code that deletes the listener after the code that generates the presentation.


This presentation displays debug messages.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*;

dispatcher = MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher;
dispatcher.Filter.DebugMessagesPass = true;

l = addlistener(dispatcher,'Message', ...
      @(src, evtdata) disp(evtdata.Message.formatAsText));

slides = Presentation('myMessagePresentation');
titleSlide = add(slides,'Title and Content');

p = Paragraph('Hello World:');
p.Style = {Bold(true)};
t = Text('  How are you?');
t.Bold = false;



Create and Display a Progress Message

This example shows how to create and dispatch a progress message. You can use a similar approach for other kinds of messages, such as warnings.

  1. Create a message dispatcher.

    dispatcher = MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher;
  2. Add a listener using the MATLAB addlistener function.

    l = addlistener(dispatcher,'Message', ...
          @(src, evtdata) disp(evtdata.Message.formatAsText));
  3. Dispatch the message, using the Message.dispatch method. Specify the dispatcher object and the message to dispatch. Here the message is a debug message called firstSlide, and the Presentation object slides is the source of the message.

  4. Add code that deletes the listener after the code that generates the presentation.


This presentation uses this progress message.

import mlreportgen.ppt.*;
pre = Presentation('myPresentation.pptx');

dispatcher = MessageDispatcher.getTheDispatcher;
l = addlistener(dispatcher,'Message', ...
      @(src, evtdata) disp(evtdata.Message.formatAsText));

dispatch(dispatcher,ProgressMessage('starting presentation',pre));

titleText = Text('This is a Title');
titleText.Style = {Bold};




See Also



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