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Simulink Data Dictionary

Report Simulink data dictionary information


This component reports on the data dictionary currently active in the data dictionary loop specified by the Data Dictionary Loop component. Include this component as a child of a Simulink Data Dictionary Loop component.

Presentation Format

The report for a data dictionary includes a table that summarizes the properties of each variable in the dictionary. The report also includes a dictionary details section that fully reports the properties and value of each variable in the dictionary. If you use a conversion template to generate the report, you can specify template-defined styles for the summary table title and the summary table.

To use a conversion template, in the Report Options dialog box, set File format to one of the from template options, for example, Direct PDF (from template).

  • Table title style name: Specifies the style to use for the data dictionary table title. To specify the default style name rgTableTitle, which the default conversion template defines, use Auto. To specify a custom style defined in a custom template that you use with this report, select Specify.

  • Table style name: Specifies the style to use for the data dictionary table. To specify the default table style name rgUnruledTable, which is the default conversion template defines, use Auto. To specify a custom style defined in a custom template that you use with this report, select Specify.


You can specify whether to include dictionaries referenced by a dictionary and how to present the referenced information.

  • Include referenced data dictionaries: Includes information from the data dictionaries that the dictionary currently active in the data dictionary loop specified by the Data Dictionary Loop component references. The referenced information displays at the end of the table for the referencing data dictionary, unless you select Make separate table for each referenced dictionary.

  • Make separate table for each referenced dictionary: If you select Include referenced data dictionaries, display a table for each referenced data dictionary.

  • Include referenced dictionaries list: If you select Include referenced data dictionaries, following the referencing data dictionary summary table, include a list of the referenced data dictionaries.

Sections to Report

You can specify the data dictionary sections to include data for.

  • Design Data (default): Include information from the Design Data section of the current data dictionary.

  • Configurations: Include information from the Configuration section of the current data dictionary.

  • Other Data: Include information from the Other Data section of the current data dictionary.

Fields to Report

The current dictionary summary table lists properties of the variables that it contains. The table always includes the variable name and value. In addition, it optionally includes these properties:

  • Data type

  • Last modified

  • Last modified by

  • Status

  • Dictionary that contains data


Suppose that you configure an HTML report with the Simulink Data Dictionary Loop component.

Configuring an HTML report with Simulink Data Dictionary Loop

Then you configure the Simulink Data Dictionary component.

Configuring the Simulink Data Dictionary component

Here is the resulting report.

Table of contents for the resulting report



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