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Options for logged SimBiology quantity components


A SimBiology.RuntimeOptions object contains information on which species, parameters, or compartments are logged during simulation.


This object is a property of a Configset object. Use dot notation or get or set to access and modify this object from a configset object.


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Logged SimBiology quantity components, specified a SimBiology.Species, SimBiology.Parameter, SimBiology.Compartment object, or vector of objects. Alternatively, you can specify the object name or names as character vector, string, string vector, cell array of character vectors.

This property is read-only.

Object type, specified as 'runtimeoptions'. When you create a SimBiology object, the value of Type is automatically defined.

Data Types: char


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Load the Lotka-Volterra model.

sbioloadproject lotka;

Get the configset object of the lotka model m1.

configset = getconfigset(m1);

Display the list of species whose data are logged by default during the simulation.

ans = 
   SimBiology Species Array

   Index:    Compartment:    Name:    Value:    Units:
   1         unnamed         x        1               
   2         unnamed         y1       900             
   3         unnamed         y2       900             
   4         unnamed         z        0               

Suppose you want to log just species y1 and y2 data. You can specify their names as a cell array of strings and set it to StatesToLog property.

configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = {'y1','y2'};

Confirm the setting.

ans = 
   SimBiology Species Array

   Index:    Compartment:    Name:    Value:    Units:
   1         unnamed         y1       900             
   2         unnamed         y2       900             

Alternatively, you can specify an array of species objects (instead of strings) to StatesToLog property.

y1 = m1.Species(2);
y2 = m1.Species(3);
configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = [y1, y2];

Simulate and plot the results. Notice that simulation results of only y1 and y2 are plotted.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title States versus Time, xlabel Time, ylabel States contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent y1, y2.

To reset to the default list, set StatesToLog to a string 'all', which means all species objects, all nonconstant compartment objects and all nonconstant parameter objects are logged by default. A nonconstant compartment or parameter means that its Constant property is set to false.

configset.RuntimeOptions.StatesToLog = 'all';

Simulate again. Notice all the species data are plotted.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title States versus Time, xlabel Time, ylabel States contains 4 objects of type line. These objects represent x, y1, y2, z.

Do not specify 'all' as a cell string such as {'all'}. If so, SimBiology interprets it as a species named all.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

See Also