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查看 Simscape™ 统计量,如变量、过零信号、关节、约束的数目

查看 Simscape 模型统计量是在仿真之前评估模型的好方法。模型统计量提供了有关模型复杂度的反馈,这样您便可以做出明智的选择,决定是要采用模型的当前配置进行仿真,还是要对模型进行更改。此方法可帮助您实现所需的仿真性能和目标。


统计量查看器View Simscape model configuration and complexity statistics


  • 1-D Physical System Statistics

    Aggregate statistics generated from all physical networks that are associated with blocks from Simscape, Simscape Driveline™, Simscape Fluids™, and Simscape Electrical™ libraries, except the Specialized Power Systems.

  • 3-D Multibody System Statistics

    Aggregate statistics generated from all physical networks that are associated with blocks from the Simscape Multibody™ library.

  • 1-D/3-D Interface Statistics

    Aggregate statistics related to the interface between all 1-D physical and 3-D multibody systems present in the model.

  • View Model Statistics

    This example shows how you can use model statistics to determine the effect of a change on model complexity.

  • Access Block Variables Using Statistics Viewer

    This example shows how you can use the Sources section of the Statistics Viewer to access a block variable of interest, to verify (or change) its initialization priority and target value.

  • Partitioning Solver Statistics

    View model statistics specific to the Partitioning Solver.