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Make Changes and Merge Git Local Branch

You are collaborating on models that are under Git™ source control. You work on some changes in your local branch taskBranch. When you attempt to merge your branch into the main branch, merge conflicts occur in two model files.

1. Open the example to download the supporting files.

2. Switch from the main branch to the taskBranch branch. In the Current Folder browser, right-click and select Source Control > Branches. In the Branch Browser, select taskBranch, and then click Switch.

Alternatively, in the Command Window, enter these commands.

repo = gitrepo;

3. Make these changes to the sldemo_mdlref_counter and sldemo_mdlref_basic models and save the models.

  • In the sldemo_mdlref_basic model, in the Constant block C5, set the Constant value to 110.

  • In the sldemo_mdlref_counter model, change the Scope block name from ScopeA to Scope and in the Switch block Switch, set the Threshold to 0.25

Alternatively, in the Command Window, enter these commands.

topMdl = "sldemo_mdlref_basic";
refMdl = "sldemo_mdlref_counter";

refBlockPath = append(refMdl,"/Switch");
refScopePath = append(refMdl,"/ScopeA");
cstBlockPath = append(topMdl,"/C5");



4. Commit your changes. In the Current Folder browser, right-click and select Source Control > View and Commit Changes.... Enter a commit message and click Commit.

Alternatively, in the Command Window, enter these commands.

commit(repo,Message = "Set Fixed step size to 0.003 and set InputSignalHandling and OutputSignalHandling to Auto/Zero-order Hold.");

5. Merge the branch taskBranch into the main branch. In the Current Folder browser, right-click and select Source Control > Branches. In the Branch Browser, select main and click Merge.

Alternatively, in the Command Window, enter these commands.

% The merge function throws an expected error because this branch merge
% results in a conflict.
% Unable to merge main into taskBranch.

% Caused by:
%    Conflicted files:
%    sldemo_mdlref_basic.slx
%    sldemo_mdlref_counter.slx

The branch merge results in conflicts in both model files. See the next steps to resolve the conflicts.

See Also

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