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Check for Simulink diagrams using nonstandard display attributes

Check ID: mathworks.maab.na_0004

Guideline: na_0004: Simulink® model appearance settings


Check model appearance setting attributes.

Model appearance settings are required to conform to the guidelines when the model is released.

This check requires a Simulink Check™ license.

Check Parameterization

This check does not include sub-checks because the MAB modeling guideline provides only one sub ID.

For reference, the MAB guideline sub ID(s) that are recommended for use by the NA-MAAB and JMAAB modeling standards organizations are:

  • NA-MAAB — No recommendations

  • JMAAB — a

You can customize the check action by configuring the following input parameter check boxes.

  • Check if nonscalar signals are selected

  • Check if status bar is selected

  • Check if toolstrip is selected

  • Check if logging and viewers are selected

  • Check if test point is selected

  • Check if base data types are deselected

  • Check if storage class indicator is deselected

  • Check for signal dimension is deselected

  • Check if model browser is deselected

  • Check if execution order is deselected

  • Check if ref. model version is deselected

  • Check if ref. model I/O mismatch is deselected

  • Check if sample time colors are deselected

  • Check if hide library links is selected

  • Check if linearization indicator is selected

  • Check for white background color and black foreground color

  • Check for Zoom 100%

(since R2024a)

The check boxes are selected by default.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action
The toolbar is not visible. Select Modeling > Environment > Toolstrip.
The status bar is not visible. Select Modeling > Environment > Status Bar.
Sample Time > Colors is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Colors.
Wide Nonscalar Lines is cleared. Select Debug > Information Overlays > Nonscalar Signals.
Viewer Indicators is cleared. Select Debug > Information Overlays > Logging & Viewers.
Testpoint Indicators is cleared. Select Debug > Information Overlays > Testpoint.
Port Data Types is selected.


  • Debug > Information Overlays > Base Data Type and

  • Debug > Information Overlays > Alias Data Type


Storage Class is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Storage Class Indicator.
Signal Dimensions is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Signal Dimensions.
Signal Data Ranges is selected.Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Signal Data Ranges.
Model Browser is selected. Clear Modeling > Environment > Model Browser.
Sorted Execution Order is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Execution Order.
Model Block Version is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Ref. Model Version.
Model Block I/O Mismatch is selected. Clear Debug > Information Overlays > Ref. Model I/O Mismatch.
Library Links is set Disabled, User Defined, or All. Select Debug > Information Overlays > Show All Links.
Linearization Indicators is cleared. Select Debug > Information Overlays > Linearization Indicators.
Block backgrounds are not white. For each listed diagram, click the block and select Format > Background and select color from the drop-down list.
Block foregrounds are not black.Select Format > Foreground and select color from the drop-down list.
Diagrams do not have white backgrounds. Select Format > Background and select color from the drop-down list.
Diagrams do not have zoom factor set to 100%. For each listed diagram, select Modeling > Environment > Zoom > Normal View (100%).

Action Results

Clicking Modify updates the display attributes to conform to the guideline.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to on.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems that have no workspaces and no dialogs. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is set to graphical.

  • Supports exclusions of blocks or charts.