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Manage Coverage Data

Access, manage, and aggregate coverage results

You can use Simulink® Coverage™ to access, manage, and aggregate coverage results. You can also assess testing completeness by aggregating coverage data from multiple test runs.


cvdataAccess Simulink Coverage data in the MATLAB workspace
cv.cvdatagroupCollection of cvdata objects


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cvloadLoad coverage tests and stored results into memory
cvsaveSave coverage settings and results to file
cvresultsReturns active coverage data, clears and loads active coverage data from a file
executioninfoRetrieve execution coverage information from cvdata object
conditioninfoRetrieve condition coverage information from cvdata object
decisioninfoRetrieve decision coverage information from cvdata object
mcdcinfoRetrieve modified condition/decision coverage information from cvdata object
getCoverageInfoRetrieve coverage information for Simulink Design Verifier blocks from cvdata object
complexityinfoRetrieve cyclomatic complexity coverage information from cvdata object
overflowsaturationinfoRetrieve saturation on integer overflow coverage from cvdata object
relationalboundaryinfoRetrieve relational boundary coverage from cvdata object
sigrangeinfoRetrieve signal range coverage information from cvdata object
sigsizeinfoRetrieve signal size coverage information from cvdata object
tableinfoRetrieve lookup table coverage information from cvdata object
extractExtract subsystem coverage data from system-level coverage data

Model Settings

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Set Coverage Data Options

Save last run in workspace variableSave results of most recent coverage analysis to MATLAB workspace
cvdata object nameName of workspace variable that contains coverage results
Increment variable name with each simulationCreate new coverage data variable for each simulation
Autosave data file nameFile name for coverage data file
Output directoryPath for coverage output files
Save output dataSave coverage data results to file

Set Cumulative Coverage Options

Enable cumulative data collectionCollect model coverage results from consecutive simulations
Include cumulative data in coverage reportDisplay coverage results from consecutive simulations in coverage report
Save cumulative coverage results in workspace variableSave coverage data from consecutive simulations in a single variable
Cumulative coverage variable nameName of workspace variable that contains cumulative coverage results


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