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Add data to Requirements Table block

Since R2022a


data = addSymbol(reqTable) adds data to the Requirements Table block, specified by reqTable.

data = addSymbol(reqTable,Name=Value) adds data by using one or more name-value arguments.



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Create a Requirements Table block and retrieve the RequirementsTable object.

table = slreq.modeling.create("myModel");

Add data to the block.

data = addSymbol(table);

Create a Requirements Table block and retrieve the RequirementsTable object.

table = slreq.modeling.create("myModel");

Add data to the block and specify the Name, Scope, and Type properties.

data = addSymbol(table,Name="u1",Scope="Output",Type="Single");

Input Arguments

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Requirements Table block, specified as a RequirementsTable object.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: addSymbol(table,Complexity="Off") creates data and sets the complexity of the data to Off.

Whether the data accepts complex values, specified as one of these values:

"Inherited"The data inherits complexity based on the Scope property. Input and output data inherit complexity from the Simulink® signals connected to the associated input and output ports. Local and parameter data inherit complexity from the parameter to which the data is bound.
"Off"The data is a real number.

The data is a complex number.

Data Types: enumerated

Whether the data is a design model output, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). This property applies only when the Scope property is Input. For more information, see Treat as design model output for analysis.

Data Types: logical

Name of the data, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Data Types: char | string

Scope of the data that specifies where the data resides in memory relative to the block, specified as one of these values:


The data is an input signal to a Requirements Table block.


The data is an output signal of a Requirements Table block.


The data is defined in the current block only.


The data is a read-only constant value that is visible to the block.


The data resides in a variable of the same name in the MATLAB® workspace, the model workspace, or in the workspace of a masked subsystem that contains this block.

Data Types: enumerated

Size of the data, specified as a string scalar or character vector. This property must resolve to a scalar value or a MATLAB vector of values. The default value is "–1", which means that the size is inherited. For more information, see Inherit Size from Simulink (Simulink).

Data Types: char | string

Data type, specified as:

  • "Inherit: Same as Simulink"

  • "double"

  • "single"

  • "half"

  • "int64"

  • "int32"

  • "int16"

  • "int8"

  • "uint64"

  • "uint32"

  • "uint16"

  • "uint8"

  • "boolean"

  • "string"

  • "fixdt(1,16,0)"

  • "fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)"

  • "Enum: <class name>"

  • "Bus: <object name>"

To modify the data type properties, use the Symbols pane and Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Data Types in Requirements Table Blocks.

Data Types: enumerated

Output Arguments

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Data, returned as a Symbol object.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a