Transmit and Receive LTE Signals Using Analog Devices AD9361/AD9364
You can combine the SoC Blockset™ Support Package for AMD® FPGA and SoC Devices and Communication Toolbox™ with the LTE Toolbox™ software to transmit and receive LTE signals using your supported SDR.
These examples show how to generate LTE waveforms for transmission onto the air and how to process received data to decode LTE signals (requires LTE Toolbox).
The LTE Transmitter Using Software Defined Radio (LTE Toolbox) example shows how to generate a reference measurement channel (RMC) downlink LTE waveform and transmits the generated waveform over the air using an SDR.
The LTE Receiver Using Software-Defined Radio (LTE Toolbox) example shows how to recover the MIB and basic system information from an LTE downlink waveform that is received from the air using an SDR.