Bind a Simulink Function to a State
Simulink® functions are not supported in standalone Stateflow® charts in MATLAB®.
When a Simulink function resides inside a state, the function binds to that state. Binding results in the following behavior:
Function calls can occur only in state actions and on transitions within the state and its substates.
When the state is entered, the function is enabled.
When the state is exited, the function is disabled.
For example, the following Stateflow chart shows a Simulink function that binds to a state.
Since the function queue
resides in state A1
, the
function binds to state A1
and its substatesA2
can call the functionqueue
, but stateB1
cannot.When state
is entered,queue
is enabled.When state
is exited,queue
is disabled.
Control Subsystem Variables When the Simulink Function Is Disabled
If a Simulink function binds to a state, you can hold the subsystem variables at their values from the previous execution or reset the variables to their initial values. To choose the desired behavior for your subsystem, follow these steps:
In the Simulink function, double-click the trigger port to open the Block Parameters dialog box.
Select an option for States when enabling.
Option Description held
Holds the values of the subsystem variables from the previous execution reset
Resets the subsystem variables to their initial values
Binding a Simulink Function to a State
This example shows how a Simulink function behaves when bound to a state.
The function queue
contains a block diagram that increments a counter
by 1 each time the function executes.
The Block Parameters dialog box for the trigger port appears as follows.
In the dialog box, setting Sample time type to
enables the Sample time field,
which defaults to 1. These settings tell the function to execute for each time step
specified in the Sample time field while the function is
If you use a fixed-step solver, the value in the Sample time field must be an integer multiple of the fixed-step size. This restriction does not apply to variable-step solvers. For more information, see Compare Solvers (Simulink).
Simulation Behavior of the Chart
When you simulate the chart, the following actions occur.
The chart takes the default transition to state
, and the local datau1
is set to 1.When
is entered, the functionqueue
is enabled.Function calls to
occur until the conditionafter(5, sec)
is true.Once the condition is true, the transition from state
is exited, the functionqueue
is disabled.After two more seconds pass, the transition from
occurs.Steps 2 through 6 repeat until the simulation ends.
Function Behavior When Variables Are Held
If you set States when enabling to
, the output y1
is as follows.
When state A1 becomes inactive at t = 5, the Simulink function holds the counter value. When A1 is active again at t = 7, the
counter has the same value as it did at t = 5. Therefore, the output y1
continues to increment over time.
Function Behavior When Variables Are Reset
If you set States when enabling to
, the output y1
is as follows.
When state A1 becomes inactive at t = 5, the Simulink function does not hold the counter value. When A1 is
active again at t = 7, the counter resets to zero. Therefore, the output
resets too.