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(Not Recommended) Set exclusive or for dataset array observations

The dataset data type is not recommended. To work with heterogeneous data, use the MATLAB® table data type instead. See MATLAB table documentation for more information.


C = setxor(A,B) for dataset arrays A and B returns the set of observations that are not in the intersection of the two arrays, with repetitions removed. The observations in the dataset array C are sorted.


C = setxor(A,B,vars) returns the set of observations that are not in the intersection of the two arrays, considering only the variables specified in vars, with repetitions removed. The observations in the dataset array C are sorted by these variables. The values for variables not specified in vars for each observation in C are taken from the corresponding observation in A or B. If there are multiple observations in A or B that correspond to an observation in C, those values are taken from the first occurrence.

C = setxor(A,B,vars,setOrder) returns the observations in C in the order specified by setOrder.

[C,iA,iB] = setxor(___) also returns index vectors iA and iB such that C is a sorted combination of the values A(iA,:) and B(iB,:). If there are repeated observations in A or B, then setxor returns the index of the first occurrence. You can use any of the previous input arguments.


collapse all

Create a scalar structure array, and then convert it into two dataset arrays.

S(1,1).Name = 'CLARK';
S(1,1).Gender = 'M';
S(1,1).SystolicBP = 124;
S(1,1).DiastolicBP = 93;

S(2,1).Name = 'BROWN';
S(2,1).Gender = 'F';
S(2,1).SystolicBP = 122;
S(2,1).DiastolicBP = 80;

S(3,1).Name = 'MARTIN';
S(3,1).Gender = 'M';
S(3,1).SystolicBP = 130;
S(3,1).DiastolicBP = 92;

A = struct2dataset(S(1:2));
B = struct2dataset(S(2:3));

The intersection of A and B is the second observation, with last name BROWN.

Return the symmetric difference of A and B.

[C,iA,iB] = setxor(A,B);
C = 
    Name              Gender       SystolicBP    DiastolicBP
    {'CLARK' }        {'M'}        124           93         
    {'MARTIN'}        {'M'}        130           92         

[iA iB]
ans = 1×2

     1     2

The symmetric difference contains the first observation from A, and the second observation from B.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input arrays, specified as dataset objects.

Variable names, specified as a string array, cell array of character vectors, or vector of integers containing variable column numbers. vars indicates the variables in A and B that setxor considers.

Specify vars as [] to use its default value of all variables.

Flag indicating sorting order for observations in the resulting array C, specified as 'sorted' or 'stable'.

'sorted'Observations in C are in sorted order (default).
'stable'Observations in C are in the same order that they appear in A, then B.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Dataset array containing observations not in the intersection of A and B, with repetitions removed, returned as a dataset object. C is in sorted order (by default), or the order specified by setOrder.

Index vector indicating observations from A that are in C, returned as a vector of integers. The vector iA contains the index to the first occurrence of any repeated observations in A.

Index vector indicating observations from B that are in C, returned as a vector of integers. The vector iB contains the index to the first occurrence of any repeated observations in B.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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