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Partition time series data for cross-validation

Since R2022b


    A tspartition object partitions a set of regularly sampled, time series data based on the specified size of the data set. Use this object to define training and test sets for validating a time series regression model with expanding window cross-validation, sliding window cross-validation, or holdout validation. Use the training object function to extract the training indices and the test object function to extract the test indices.

    For an example that uses tspartition for time series forecasting, see Perform Time Series Direct Forecasting with directforecaster.



    c = tspartition(n,"ExpandingWindow",t) creates a tspartition object c that partitions n time-dependent observations using expanding windows. tspartition splits the data set into t windows with expanding training sets and fixed-size test sets.


    c = tspartition(n,"SlidingWindow",t) creates a tspartition object c that partitions n time-dependent observations using sliding windows. tspartition splits the data set into t windows with fixed-size training and test sets.


    c = tspartition(n,"Holdout",p) creates a tspartition object c that defines a time-based partition for holdout validation on n observations. tspartition divides the n observations into a training set and a test set, where p determines the fraction or number of observations in the test set.


    c = tspartition(___,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes. For example, you can specify the number of observations to exclude between the end of each training set and before the beginning of its corresponding test set by using the GapSize name-value argument.


    Input Arguments

    expand all

    Number of observations in the time series data set, specified as a positive integer scalar.

    Example: 10000

    Data Types: single | double

    Number of test sets to create, specified as a positive integer scalar. t must be smaller than the total number of observations n.

    Example: 5

    Data Types: single | double

    Fraction or number of observations in the test set used for holdout validation, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When p is in the range (0,1), tspartition selects approximately p*n of the latest observations for the test set.

    • When p is a positive integer, tspartition selects the p latest observations for the test set.

    Data Types: single | double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: tspartition(10000,"ExpandingWindow",5,MaxTrainSize=7500) specifies to split 10,000 observations into 5 partitions with expanding training sets and fixed-size test sets. Each training set cannot contain more than 7500 observations.

    Start direction for creating time windows, specified as "forward" or "reverse".

    • "forward"tspartition ensures that the oldest observations are included in the first window. Some of the latest observations might be omitted from the cross-validation.

    • "reverse"tspartition ensures that the latest observations are included in the last window. Some older observations might be omitted from the cross-validation.


    This name-value argument is valid for expanding window and sliding window cross-validation only.

    Example: Direction="forward"

    Data Types: char | string

    Number of observations to exclude between the end of each training set and before the beginning of its corresponding test set, specified as a scalar in the range [0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When the GapSize value is in the range [0,1), tspartition excludes approximately GapSize*n observations.

    • When the GapSize value is a positive integer, tspartition excludes GapSize observations.

    Example: GapSize=10

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum size of all training sets, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When the MaxTrainSize value is in the range (0,1), tspartition includes at most MaxTrainSize*n observations in each training set.

    • When the MaxTrainSize value is a positive integer, tspartition includes at most MaxTrainSize observations in each training set.


    This name-value argument is valid for expanding window cross-validation only.

    Example: MaxTrainSize=500

    Data Types: single | double

    Minimum size of all training sets, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When the MinTrainSize value is in the range (0,1), tspartition includes at least MinTrainSize*n observations in each training set.

    • When the MinTrainSize value is a positive integer, tspartition includes at least MinTrainSize observations in each training set.

    If you do not specify other name-value arguments, the default value is floor(n/(t+1)) (see n and t).


    This name-value argument is valid for expanding window cross-validation only.

    Example: MinTrainSize=100

    Data Types: single | double

    Step length between consecutive windows, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar. More specifically, the StepSize value is the number of steps between the end of two consecutive test sets.

    • When the StepSize value is in the range (0,1), tspartition separates consecutive test sets by approximately StepSize*n steps.

    • When the StepSize value is a positive integer, tspartition separates consecutive test sets by StepSize steps.

    If you do not specify other name-value arguments, the default value is floor(n/(t+1)) (see n and t).


    This name-value argument is valid for expanding window and sliding window cross-validation only.

    Example: StepSize=50

    Data Types: single | double

    Size of all training sets, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When the TrainSize value is in the range (0,1), tspartition includes approximately TrainSize*n observations in each training set.

    • When the TrainSize value is a positive integer, tspartition includes TrainSize observations in each training set.

    If you do not specify other name-value arguments, the default value is floor(n/(t+1)) (see n and t).


    This name-value argument is valid for sliding window cross-validation only.

    Example: TrainSize=500

    Data Types: single | double

    Size of all test sets, specified as a scalar in the range (0,1) or a positive integer scalar.

    • When the TestSize value is in the range (0,1), tspartition includes approximately TestSize*n observations in each test set.

    • When the TestSize value is a positive integer, tspartition includes TestSize observations in each test set.

    If you do not specify other name-value arguments, the default value is floor(n/(t+1)) (see n and t).


    This name-value argument is valid for expanding window and sliding window cross-validation only.

    Example: TestSize=100

    Data Types: single | double


    expand all

    This property is read-only.

    Validation partition type, returned as 'expanding-window', 'holdout', or 'sliding-window'.

    Data Types: char

    This property is read-only.

    Number of observations, returned as a positive integer scalar.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Number of test sets, returned as a positive integer scalar. For holdout validation, the NumTestSets value is 1. For expanding window and sliding window cross-validation, the NumTestSets value indicates the number of windows used for cross-validation.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Size of each training set, returned as a positive integer scalar for holdout validation or a positive integer vector for expanding window and sliding window cross-validation.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Size of each test set, returned as a positive integer scalar for holdout validation or a positive integer vector for expanding window and sliding window cross-validation.

    Data Types: single | double

    This property is read-only.

    Step length between consecutive windows, returned as a positive integer scalar when the NumTestSets value is greater than 1, or NaN otherwise.

    Data Types: single | double

    Object Functions

    testTest indices for time series cross-validation
    trainingTraining indices for time series cross-validation


    collapse all

    Identify the observations in the training sets and test sets of a tspartition object for expanding window cross-validation.

    Use 20 time-dependent observations to create three training sets and three test sets. Specify a gap of two observations between each training set and its corresponding test set.

    c = tspartition(20,"ExpandingWindow",3, ...

    Find the training set indices for the three windows. A value of 1 (true) indicates that the corresponding observation is in the training set for that window.

    trainWindow1 = training(c,1);
    trainWindow2 = training(c,2);
    trainWindow3 = training(c,3);

    Find the test set indices for the three windows. A value of 1 (true) indicates that the corresponding observation is in the test set for that window.

    testWindow1 = test(c,1);
    testWindow2 = test(c,2);
    testWindow3 = test(c,3);

    Combine the training and test set indices into one matrix where a value of 1 indicates a training observation and a value of 2 indicates a test observation.

    data = [trainWindow1 + 2*testWindow1, ...
        trainWindow2 + 2*testWindow2, ...
        trainWindow3 + 2*testWindow3];

    Visualize the different sets by using a heat map.

    colormap = lines(3);
    heatmap(double(data),ColorbarVisible="off", ...
    title("Expanding Window Cross-Validation Scheme")

    Figure contains an object of type heatmap. The chart of type heatmap has title Expanding Window Cross-Validation Scheme.

    For each window, the observations in red (with a value of 1) are in the training set, the observations in yellow (with a value of 2) are in the test set, and the observations in blue (with a value of 0) are ignored. For example, observation 11 is a test observation in window one, a gap observation in window two, and a training observation in window three.

    Identify the observations in the training sets and test sets of a tspartition object for sliding window cross-validation.

    Use 20 time-dependent observations to create five training sets and five test sets.

    c = tspartition(20,"SlidingWindow",5);

    Find the training set indices for the five windows. A value of 1 (true) indicates that the corresponding observation is in the training set for that window.

    trainWindows = zeros(c.NumObservations,c.NumTestSets);
    for i = 1:c.NumTestSets
        trainWindows(:,i) = training(c,i);

    Find the test set indices for the five windows. A value of 1 (true) indicates that the corresponding observation is in the test set for that window.

    testWindows = zeros(c.NumObservations,c.NumTestSets);
    for i = 1:c.NumTestSets
        testWindows(:,i) = test(c,i);

    Combine the training and test set indices into one matrix where a value of 1 indicates a training observation and a value of 2 indicates a test observation.

    data = trainWindows + 2*testWindows;

    Visualize the different sets by using a heat map.

    colormap = lines(3);
    heatmap(double(data),ColorbarVisible="off", ...
    title("Sliding Window Cross-Validation Scheme")

    Figure contains an object of type heatmap. The chart of type heatmap has title Sliding Window Cross-Validation Scheme.

    For each window, the observations in red (with a value of 1) are in the training set, the observations in yellow (with a value of 2) are in the test set, and the observations in blue (with a value of 0) are ignored. For example, observations 9 through 11 are test observations in window two and training observations in window three. Because of the default values for the training set size, test set size, step size, and direction for creating sliding windows, tspartition does not use some of the oldest observations (1 and 2) in any window.

    Identify the observations in the training set and test set of a tspartition object for holdout validation.

    Use 25% of 20 time-dependent observations to create a test set. The corresponding training set contains the remaining observations.

    c = tspartition(20,"Holdout",0.25);

    Find the test set indices.

    testIndices = test(c);

    Visualize the two sets of observations by using a heat map.

    h = heatmap(double(testIndices),ColorbarVisible="off");
    h.XDisplayLabels = "";
    title("Holdout Validation Scheme")

    Figure contains an object of type heatmap. The chart of type heatmap has title Holdout Validation Scheme.

    The observations in light blue (with a value of 0) are in the training set, and the observations in dark blue (with a value of 1) are in the test set. In a holdout validation scheme for time series data, the latest observations (in this case, observations 16 through 20) are in the test set.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b