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Modify a label group name


editLabelGroup(ldc,labelName,groupName) modifies the group name that corresponds to the label identified by labelName. The label must be in the label definition creator object ldc.



collapse all

Create a labelDefinitionCreator.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreator;

Add a rectangle label named Car in a group named Vehicle.


Add a rectangle label named Truck in a group named FourWheeler.


Move the Car label into the FourWheeler group.


Inspect the labels.

ldc = 
labelDefinitionCreator contains the following labels:

	Car with 0 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to FourWheeler group.	(info)
	Truck with 0 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to FourWheeler group.	(info)

For more details about attributes and sublabels, use the info method.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Label definition creator, specified as a labelDefinitionCreator object.

Label name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies the label that corresponds to the groupName you want to modify.

Group name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that identifies the group you want to modify, which corresponds to the label specified by labelName.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a