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Get signals from labeled signal set


[s,info] = getSignal(lss,midx) returns the values for the signals contained in member midx of the labeled signal set lss.



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Load a labeled signal set containing recordings of whale songs.

load whales
lss = 
  labeledSignalSet with properties:

             Source: {2x1 cell}
         NumMembers: 2
    TimeInformation: "sampleRate"
         SampleRate: 4000
             Labels: [2x3 table]
        Description: "Characterize wave song regions"

 Use labelDefinitionsHierarchy to see a list of labels and sublabels.
 Use setLabelValue to add data to the set.

Retrieve the second member of the set and plot it.

[song,tinfo] = getSignal(lss,2);
t = (0:length(song)-1)/tinfo.SampleRate;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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Labeled signal set, specified as a labeledSignalSet object.

Example: labeledSignalSet({randn(100,1) randn(10,1)},signalLabelDefinition('female')) specifies a two-member set of random signals containing the attribute 'female'.

Member row number, specified as a positive integer. midx specifies the member row number as it appears in the Labels table of a labeled signal set.

Output Arguments

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Signal values, returned as vector, matrix, timetable, or cell array.

Time information, returned as a structure.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b