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Receive 802.11ad™ (DMG) waveforms

Model DMG-related signal reception functionality.


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wlanPacketDetectEstimate timing offset of OFDM packet using L-STF
wlanFormatDetectDetect packet format
wlanSymbolTimingEstimateFine symbol timing estimate using L-LTF
wlanCoarseCFOEstimatePerform coarse CFO estimation
wlanFineCFOEstimatePerform fine CFO estimation
wlanSampleRateNominal sample rate
wlanDMGOFDMDemodulateDemodulate fields of DMG waveform
wlanDMGOFDMInfoOFDM information for DMG transmission
wlanDMGDataBitRecoverRecover bits from DMG Data field
wlanDMGHeaderBitRecoverRecover bits from DMG Header field
wlanScrambleScramble and descramble binary input sequence
wlanConstellationDemapConstellation demapping
wlanStreamDeparseStream-deparse spatial streams
wlanBCCDecodeBCC-decode input data
wlanGolaySequenceGenerate Golay sequence

See Also


Transmit 802.11ad (DMG) signals