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Display channel environment with D-Rays from ray tracing


showEnvironment(tgay) displays a three-dimensional figure for the IEEE® 802.11ay™ (TGay) channel environment determined by the input wlanTGayChannel object, tgay. The figure shows a schematic depiction of the channel environment, locations of the transmit and receive antenna arrays, and quasi-deterministic strong rays (D-rays) between the arrays determined by ray tracing.


showEnvironment(tgay,envOnly) displays the channel environment with the option of turning off ray tracing.



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Filter a dual-polarized signal through a WLAN 802.11ay™ channel, specifying a street canyon environment.

Configure a TGay channel System object for a street canyon environment, specifying a user configuration of single-user multiple-input/multiple-output (SU-MIMO) with two transmit antenna arrays and two receive antenna arrays. Specify the transmit antenna arrays as two-element uniform linear arrays (ULAs) and the receive antenna arrays as single isotropic elements. Use a custom beamforming method to specify the transmit and receive beamforming vectors, and specify the source of the random number stream.

tgay = wlanTGayChannel('SampleRate',2e9,'Environment','Street canyon hotspot', ...
    'UserConfiguration','SU-MIMO 2x2','ArraySeparation',[0.8 0.8],'ArrayPolarization','Dual, Dual', ...
    'TransmitArray',wlanURAConfig('Size',[1 2]),'TransmitArrayOrientation',[10; 10; 10], ...
    'ReceiveArray',wlanURAConfig('Size',[1 1]),'BeamformingMethod','Custom','NormalizeImpulseResponses',false, ...
    'RandomStream','mt19937ar with seed','Seed',100);

Display the environment of the TGay channel.

title('Street Canyon Hotspot with Antenna Arrays and D-Rays');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Street Canyon Hotspot with Antenna Arrays and D-Rays, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 27 objects of type patch, scatter, text, line.

Retrieve channel characteristics by using the info object function.

tgayInfo =;

Formulate the beamforming vectors in terms of the number of transmit elements, receive elements, transmit streams, and receive streams obtained from tgayInfo.

NTE = tgayInfo.NumTxElements;
NTS = tgayInfo.NumTxStreams;
NRE = tgayInfo.NumRxElements;
NRS = tgayInfo.NumRxStreams;
tgay.TransmitBeamformingVectors = ones(NTE,NTS)/sqrt(NTE);
tgay.ReceiveBeamformingVectors = ones(NRE,NRS)/sqrt(NRE);

Create a random input signal and filter it through the TGay channel.

txSignal = complex(rand(100,NTS),rand(100,NTS));
rxSignal = tgay(txSignal);

Display the open area hotspot environment for a WLAN TGay channel model.

Configure a TGay channel System object for an open area hotspot environment, specifying a user configuration of single-user multiple-input/multiple-output (SU-MIMO) with two transmit antenna arrays and two receive antenna arrays. Specify the transmit antenna array as a 2x2 uniform rectangular array (URA) and the receive antenna arrays as single isotropic elements. Use a custom beamforming method to specify the transmit and receive beamforming vectors, and specify the source of the random number stream.

tgay = wlanTGayChannel('SampleRate',1e9,'Environment','Open area hotspot', ... 
    'UserConfiguration','SU-MIMO 2x2','ArraySeparation',[0.6 0.6],'ArrayPolarization','Dual, Dual', ...
    'TransmitArray',wlanURAConfig('Size',[2 2]),'TransmitArrayOrientation',[20; 10; 10], ... 
    'ReceiveArray',wlanURAConfig('Size',[1 1]),'BeamformingMethod','Custom', ...
    'NormalizeImpulseResponses',false,'RandomStream','mt19937ar with seed','Seed',150);

Display the environment of the TGay channel.

envOnly = false;
title('Open Area Hotspot with Antenna Arrays and D-Rays');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Open Area Hotspot with Antenna Arrays and D-Rays, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 15 objects of type patch, scatter, text, line.

Input Arguments

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TGay multipath fading channel, specified as a wlanTGayChannel System object.

Display environment without D-Rays, specified as a logical value of true or false. To display a schematic of the channel environment without D-Rays, set this property to true. To display a schematic of the channel environment with D-Rays, set this property to false.

Data Types: logical

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also
