blending of mosaiced image

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
shishir 2013-10-26
评论: Lynch 2020-11-10
I have taken 2 images and created a mosaic of the 2. Now due to intensity differences there is a seam. Please suggest how to remove the seam from the mosaic image ..
  2 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-10-27
Is this like a checkerboard, or like two images stitched together side-by-side? A screenshot would help. But either way, Walter's answer is the way to go.
shishir 2013-10-27
no no sir .. they are not stiched together ... i have mosaiced the 2 images ... i have attached the file ... now i want to remove the intensity diff. from the image ..



lokman ALTIN
lokman ALTIN 2016-11-5
I used weighted sum depending on the distance to image column intersections. With linear weights I got this:
  3 个评论
Kareem Sedky
Kareem Sedky 2018-8-20
can you show me the algorithm of the weighted sum ? cause I couldn't get it working
Lynch 2020-11-10
 Hello Sir,
could you show me how do you work it out? thanks.


更多回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-10-26
You could do histogram equalization of the two first, or you could change brightness on a gradient on a band near the seam.
  1 个评论
shishir 2013-10-27
yes sir .. i have done the same before .. but using that technique other images are getting distorted due to large intensity differences for ex . clouds are getting fade ... river colour gets changed etc ... . . please suggest something more ... thank u sir ...


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-10-27

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