MathWorks Communities
A MathWorks community for students, researchers, and engineers using MATLAB, Simulink, and ThingSpeak for Internet of Things applications.
A gathering place for scientists working in QSP, PBPK, and PK/PD modeling using SimBiology and MATLAB. Features discussions, shared models and code, and other resources from our global community of users.

Other Communities
From the many MATLAB repositories on GitHub, you can find useful toolboxes and working examples of code that you can use in your own projects.

You can find questions tagged with MATLAB and MATLAB- related products on, a question and answer site.

/r/matlab, an active subreddit devoted to MATLAB, provides a forum for discussing the MATLAB programming language and its implementation.

An active MATLAB community from around the world using discord.

Questions and answers focused on MATLAB and Simulink by active Quora members.

Facebook has many groups dedicated to MATLAB and related topics.
LinkedIn has many groups dedicated to MATLAB and related topics.

International Communities
Ein deutschsprachiges Forum zu MATLAB und verwandten Themen.


If you want to nominate a community not listed here, email us.
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