Madhava approximation of pi

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to approximate the value of pi using the equation Madahava of Sangamagrama used.
The code that I have so far is:
function [ output_args ] = madhavapi(m)
%This function will takes N as input and returns an approximation for pi.
k=[0 1 2 3 4]
I am not sure how to conclude this code. When I try to execute the above code, I do not get any answer.
  3 个评论
KayLynn 2013-10-26
I wouldnt know that. Are you able to help me with the last statement or so of this code. I am basically seeking help with the way to end this code in order to get an output that results in approximating pi.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-10-26
编辑:Walter Roberson 2013-10-26
You did not assign anything to "output_args"
"sum" is a function, not a variable.
You do not use "m" anywhere in your function.
The expression
is not valid. There is no "." operator in MATLAB.



sixwwwwww 2013-10-26
Dear Kaylynn, here is the function which approximates value of pi using Madahava Sangamagrama equation:
function [ output_args ] = madhavapi(m)
k = 0:m;
output_args = 4 * sum((-1).^k ./ (2 * k + 1));
I hope it helps. Good luck!
  2 个评论
KayLynn 2013-10-26
I want to take an input N and return the approximate value of pi. For example if my N equals 2, I should get an output of 3.152 right?
sixwwwwww 2013-10-26
To take 'N' change the first two lines of above code as:
function [ output_args ] = madhavapi(N)
k = 0:N;
and here is the link which describes Madahava Sangamagrama equation: So according to this equation if you put N = 2 then you will get output 3.46666666666667. As you will increase the value of N then output will come close to well known value of pi: 3.1415...


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