Read data from file and print information for whom has the required criteria?

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There is a data file with the last name, first name, blood type, - or + Rh factor, and ID number. donors.dat - The data looks like this, for example:
Donald Bird A + 120.1
George Aaron AB - 111.1
Claire Stuart O - 108.1
Jan Doe B + 102.3
Doug Smith AB + 110.5
I need a script that will read the data file and print out all the information for donors whom have the blood type AB.
So the outcome of the script, from the above data should be:
George Aaron AB - 111.1
Doug Smith AB + 110.5
This is what I have so far. What is the problem with my script?
data = 'donors.dat';
FID = fopen(data, 'r');
cn = 0;
if strcmp(data(:,3),'AB') == 1;
cn = cn + 1;


sixwwwwww 2013-10-27
Dear Nora, here is the code which reads the file and then shows information for people having blood group 'AB':
ID = fopen('filename.txt');
a = textscan(ID, '%s%s%s%s%f');
firstname = a{1};
lastname = a{2};
bloodtype = a{3};
Rhfactor = a{4};
IDnumber = a{5};
info{1, 1} = 'First name';
info{1, 2} = 'Last name';
info{1, 3} = 'Blood type';
info{1, 4} = 'Rh factor';
info{1, 5} = 'ID number';
count = 2;
for i = 1:length(bloodtype)
if bloodtype{i} == 'AB'
info(count, 1) = firstname(i);
info(count, 2) = lastname(i);
info(count, 3) = bloodtype(i);
info(count, 4) = Rhfactor(i);
info{count, 5} = IDnumber(i);
count = count + 1;
disp('People with blood group AB are:')
I hope it helps. Good luck!
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