Need help with textscan

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Tom 2013-10-28
评论: Tom 2013-10-28
I've been struggling with textscan for some time now, if anyone could point me in the right direction here I'd be eternally grateful.
I have a text file with data in the following format:
Eu3+ 1
10.06037350 -4.673610300 -1.834337367
1.22604929765 -2.02696902730 0.734136756877
10517.3113705 -9795.46057045 -2441.96899290
... and this is repeated (1510 times, to be precise)
What I am trying to achieve (for the time being), is simply to extract the first 5 entries and define as a vector, so in this instance I would simply want something like
C = [ Eu3+ 1 10.06 -4.67 -1.83]
and then the following 6 entries can be discarded.
I have tried multiple variants of ideas, along the lines of:
C = textscan(fid,'%s%d8%f32%f32%f32');
But I am continually failing to produce the vector mentioned above.
Please, Matlab community, can you help me?
Kind regards,


David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-10-28
Your are mixing strings with doubles. Try this out. You'll end up with a cell array containing the heading and the first three doubles.
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
% read as single cell
C = textscan(fid,'%s ');
C = C{1,1}(1:4)
C =
  1 个评论
Tom 2013-10-28
David, I think that's the ticket! Thanks so much!
Would you mind clarifying a few things for me.
What is the necessity of the 'r' in fopen?
How come the textscan is happy with the different entry types despite defining them only with '%s'?
What does the line C = C{1,1}(1:4) achieve? Is this simply placing the results in a vector of the relevent dimensions?
Again, thankyou!


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