How can I use 'OR' constraints with fmincon / linprog: { x=0 } or { 0.6 <= x <= 1 }

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I have a matlab script that optimize the electricity production from a heating plant based on the current electricity price and available boilers. Its very close to:
However, the boilers can only run between 60-100 % or be completely turned off. So the constraints should be like:
0.6 <= x =< 1
for every boiler, and I have 10 of them.
How can I put this into linprog or fmincon? I want to have a script that tells me when to turn the boilers on and off and also at what rate every boiler should go.
Thank you very much


Matt J
Matt J 2013-11-18
编辑:Matt J 2013-11-18
The only robust way is to loop over all 2^10 on/off combinations of the boilers. In each pass through the loop, i.e., for each combination, use fmincon/linprog to solve for the optimal output of the on-boilers. Shouldn't be too bad with only 10 unknowns max. per problem.
  3 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2013-11-18
编辑:Matt J 2013-11-18
The technique there only has a chance of working if the constrained region is connected which, in your case, it is not. And this still ignores the risks of the non-smoothness of c(x), mentioned at the link.
You could reformulate your problem in terms of expressions b(i)*x(i) where x(i) is boiler output and b(i) is a binary variable describing the state of the i-th boiler, (1=on, 0=off). If you have the Global Optimization Toolbox, you could then try applying GA to the reformulated problem. However, it's hard say whether this will do any better for you than exhaustive search.
jar 2013-11-22
Ah ok, thank you!
I think I found another way of doing it without the GA toolbox, see below. It works fine for almost every case but not everytime, but I have no idea why :(


更多回答(2 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2013-11-18
编辑:Matt J 2013-11-18
If your objective is linear, another idea might be to discretize x(i) and use bintprog(). For example, using binary variables y(i,j), the following
s.t. 4*y(i,1)>=y(i,2)+y(i,3)+y(i,4)+y(i,5),
allows x(i) to take on values [0,.6,.7,.8,.9,1.0]. You could use a bintprog solution to this approximate problem to first decide which boilers should be off/on. Once you know which biolers are on/off, you can then solve for the on-boiler x(i) more precisely and in continuous space using linprog.

jar 2013-11-22
编辑:Matt J 2013-11-22
Hi Matt! I think I found a way to do it with fmincon without using bintprog or GA.
As you know I want x(1) to be my boiler input, so that x(1) is equal to 0 or in between 0.4-1.
Let me introduce three help variables x(3), x(4) and x(5).
x(3) can vary between 0.4 and 1.
x(4) and x(5) can be equal to any digit between 0 and 1. I set these constraints in lb and ub.
So the following constraints will be set as nonlinear equalities constraints.
x(4)*x(5)=0 , this means either x(4) or x(5) has to be zero.
After that, I put the following in Aeq:
x(4)+x(5)-x(3)=0, this means that the non zero variable of either x(4) or x(5) has to be equal to x(3), (0.4 - 1).
And Finnaly:
x(1)=(x(3)+x(4)-x(5))/2 which will give me exactly what I'm aiming for. If x(4)=0, then x(1)=0 and if x(5)=0, then x(1)=x(3), in other words somewhere between 0.4 and 1.
However, this works fine for all values of power demand in my test program eccept for when the demand is equal to 5?? I have also introduced an electric heater that can run anywhere between 0 to 10 MW to cover up when the demand is < 6. But I have no clue why this isnt working when the power demand is equal to 5? It works fine otherwize, for example when the power demand is 4 or 6.
function test
close all,clear all,clc
load=5 % [MW]
x1=15; % Maximal boiler output [MW]
x2=10; % Electric heater [MW]
% help variables for the boiler
ub=ones(1,5); % Upper bounds
lb=zeros(1,5); % Lower bounds
lb(3)=6/x1; % Boiler have to be equal to 0 or in between 0.4 - 1.
Aeq=[0 0 x3 -x4 -x5; % x(4) or x(5) must be equal to x(3), see f. nonlcon
-x1 0 x3/2 x4/2 -x5/2; % x(1) is 0 or equal to x(3)
x1 x2 0 0 0]; % The boiler and/or the elecric heater = load
x0 = [0 0 1 0 0];
options = optimset('Algorithm','active-set');
[xval fval]=fmincon(@myfun,x0,[],[],Aeq,beq,lb,ub,@nonlcon,options);
x=[x1 x2 x3 x4 x5];
%%Objective function
function [f] = myfun(x)
f=x(1)+10*x(2); % The electric heater is 10 times mor expensive to run
%%Nonlinear constrains
function [c ceq] = nonlcon(x)
ceq(1)=x(4)*x(5); % Either x(4) or x(5) has to be equal to 0
  1 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2013-11-22
编辑:Matt J 2013-11-22
Hi jar,
It can't reliably work unfortunately. The issue was never about how to express the constraints you want in the syntax fmincon desires. The problem is that feasible sets consisting of disjoint, unconnected regions simply cannot be handled for theoretical reasons. fmincon has no way of jumping back and forth between the disjoint regions x(1)=0 and 0.4<=x(1)<=1 as it performs its search. Once fmincon lands in one of these regions, it will likely just stay bounded there and search for a local minimum.
Incidentally, you don't need three additional variables x(3), x(4), x(5) to do what you were attempting. You only need x(3) and the single additional constraint
which is satisfied only when x(1) is equal either to 0 or to 0.4<=x(3)<=1.



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