Problems with deploying stand alone application (x64)

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've made a stand-alone application in Matlab R2013b (8.2) x64 with the deploytool, all options are standard, MCR included. Now I'm trying to launch MyAppInstaller_mcr.exe on another x64 computer (with no Internet and no Matlab, only previous version of MCR) and I recieve the error "Corrupt install agent", then "Could not scource the install agent".
Could you please help me with it?
Thank you
  1 个评论
hRsInBay 2014-2-6
I'm having exactly the same issue. The links below are basic and are not helpful for resolving this issue.


回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-11-28
Did you take a look at this?
Make sure you follow all the steps and install the MCR (MCRInstaller.exe) on the hosting PC.
This link is very explicative too:


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