Embed a Matlab graph in a C++ GUI application

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm using matlab compiler to generator c++ shared librari from m files. Now I've result graph in separated window. I'm iterest Is it possible to embed a Matlab graph in a C++ GUI application?

回答(1 个)

Martijn 2011-2-9
You cannot embed an "interactive graph" into your C++ GUI, static graphs should work though. So you are then just displaying the graph as an image and you lose zoom, pan, etc. abilities.
Possible ways to accomplish this are:
1. Use the figToImStream function to get your figure in a bitmap binary array. On the C++ side display this bitmap in a Picture Box.
2. Use PRINT function to place the graph on your clipboard. On the C++ side get the image from the clipboard and again display it as a picture.
3. Use PRINT function to write the graph to an image file. On the C++ side load the image from disk and display as picture.


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