When interfacing with .NET, how do I use unmanaged DLLs that are located in the assembly folder?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm calling some functions in a .NET assembly that is in a different folder to MATLAB. I'm aware that using dllimport for unmanaged DLLs doesn't work in this case because matlab.exe is in a different folder. Copying the unmanaged DLLs to the MATLAB installation folder works, but this is not an ideal solution for production code.
Is there a way to get around this problem without hard-coding directories? I'm trying to avoid editing the Windows path.


Friedrich 2013-12-6
编辑:Friedrich 2013-12-10
you can edit the PATH locally for MATLAB only with the setenv command:
setenv('PATH',[getenv('PATH'),';C:\your folder with DLLs'])
So you can build up the PATH dynamically at runtime and set it silently in the background.
UPDATED TYPO (Thanks James)

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