Cannot open matlab program

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rajashekaran 2013-12-26
评论: Rajashekaran 2013-12-26
when i click on the Matlab icon , the window briefly appears in the TASKBAR and then vanishes. However when i check the processes running in the system by ctrl+alt+del -> processes, I find that matlab is running. How can I access matlab then ?
In the attached image you can see that it is running but there is no presence iin the taskbar while other running programs are present like chrome, paint etc ..
  2 个评论
The Matlab Spot
The Matlab Spot 2013-12-26
have you tried running it in compatibility mode?
Rajashekaran 2013-12-26
Yes I tried running it in windows service pack 3 and windows vista modes . Still having the same problem .. Matlab still visible only in processes window of task manager


回答(1 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-12-26
Try this
open task manager
In application select Matlab then right click and choose bring to front
  1 个评论
Rajashekaran 2013-12-26
That is the problem you see .. Matlab is not listed under the applications tab in task manager .. I have attached the screen shots for your verification



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