How to find degree of polynomial in Matlab?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear All, Good day! I am trying to find the degree of polynomial in MATLAB. I know it is possible in MuPAD by using degree(p). But couldn't find a way by using editor. Kindly help me on this. Thanks
  2 个评论
Sohail 2013-12-30
Actually I want to compare the nominator and denominator degree and depending on that I have to take some decision. Here is the small code that shows the z(p) Rational polynomial (RP). I put limit on that to get new RP. Now I want to compare the degree of num and den of znew(p). How I can extract the degree?
close all;
clear all;
syms p
a=limit(z(p)/p, p, inf);
[num,den] = numden(Znew);



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-12-30
In the case you use, where you are working with ratios of symbolic polynomials, then
degree_num = length(coeffs(num,p)) - 1;
degree_den = length(coeffs(den,p)) - 1;
You can also simplify (at least logically) the taking of the limit:
[n, d] = numden(z(p));
coeffn = coeffs(n,p);
coeffd = coeffs(d,p);
lenn = length(coeffn);
lend = length(coeffd);
if lenn > lend + 1
error('limit would have been infinite')
elseif lenn <= lend
error('limit would have been zero');
a = coeffn(end);
If you are sure that neither of the two exception cases can occur, then
t = coeff(numden(z(p)));
a = t(end);
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-12-30
You could use sym2poly() . Again length() - 1 for degree, but the first entry of the matrix instead of the last entry for the highest coefficient.


更多回答(2 个)

The Matlab Spot
The Matlab Spot 2013-12-30
编辑:The Matlab Spot 2013-12-30
See if polyval helps

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2013-12-30
Suppose you evaluate your polynomial, P(x), at a large number of equally-spaced values of x. Then if diff(P,n) exhibits a non-zero constant value (except of course for small round-off errors,) you can conclude that P has degree n. Moreover, that constant value is indicative of the coefficient of the highest degree term.
I would think however, that an inspection of whatever process is creating your polynomial should more easily tell you its degree.


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