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How do I create such matrix ? (please look at the thread for further details)

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Let say I have 2 matrix A and B.
A=[1 2 3;
4 5 6]
B=[7 8 9;
10 11 12]
How do I create a matrix that becomes
C=[1-0 2-7 3-8;
4-0 5-10 6-11]
And what will happen if I have n rows and m columns for both A and B?

回答(2 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2014-1-3
B2 = [zeros(size(B,1),1) B(:,1:(end-1))];
C = A - B2;

Amit 2014-1-3
编辑:Amit 2014-1-3
How about
C = A;
C(:,2:end) = A(:,2:end)-B(:,1:end-1);
This solution is for generalized (n*m) system.


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