Matlab Gui disapear(closes) after program executed

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
It's been for a while that i am struggling with the following problem, please answer me.
I made one GUI in MATLAB, in this GUI, I get Neural Network parameters from the user and then press the "Run" button for training. After I press the button, the program starts executing in command window, if I switch to the command window to see the results, the GUI form automatically closes. Even if I don't switch between windows, after the execution, the GUI form is not open anymore. I want to run my program based on different iterations, so in this case I have to run the program every time. I even made exe file from my program, but the problem is still there.
Please guide me through this problem.


David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2014-1-9
Make sure you do not have a
close all
anywhere in your code. It is common practice to add a
clear all
close all
at the beginning of some scripts, and when these are used by a GUI, it might cause issues like yours.

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