Wavelet and image processing

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Ayesha 2014-1-17
Hi there!
Alright, so I've been working on this little piece of code to approximate image using wavelets and there's this error I'm getting:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
So the code goes this way:
I = imread('lena.png');
J = perform_wavelet_transf(I,j0,+1);
n = size(I,1);
J1 = zeros(n);
J1(1:n/4,1:n/4) = J(1:m,1:m);
result = perform_wavelet_transf(J1,j0,-1);
I've been wondering since hours on what could possibly go wrong with this piece and I guess somethings not right with
J1(1:n/4,1:n/4) = J(1:m,1:m);
What do you think?
And yes, Thanks alot!!! for your help in advance :)

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-1-17
You have not shown us how you construct "m" so all we can do is hypothesize that you construct it without regard for the actual size of lena.png
  2 个评论
Ayesha 2014-1-17
That's the part I'm experimenting since wavelets deals with coarse details and hence j0 is an integer.
M = 2^(-j0);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-1-24
sqrt(2^-128) is 2^-64, which is a number less than 1. 1:m would then be the empty range, so J(1:m,1:m) would be empty. You are trying to store that empty range into a non-empty location.



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