GUI axes size?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kyle 2011-7-10
回答: elassa houda 2020-10-27
After loading image into an axes, the axes automatically adjust its size to fit the image(i'm happy with it changes size accordingly to image). however after i clear the image the axes size is till the size of the previous image.
How do i set it back to the axes to the original size n location as be4 i loaded any image?
i tried set(handles.im2,'OuterPosition',[64.16 16.19 104.57 26.35]); set(handles.im2,'Position',[92 20 57 20]);
these but nothing changes.
  3 个评论
Nan 2012-9-8
I want to know how do you adjust the axes size to fit the image.
elassa houda
elassa houda 2020-10-27
i want how do you adjust the axes size to fitth e image


回答(3 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011-7-10
  2 个评论
Kyle 2011-7-10
i tried this
and it disable the ButtonDownFcn that allows me to insert image by clicking on the axes itself
cla reset
does like the previous code, But is reset all axes in 1 line.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-9-8
Try this:
set(gca, 'units','normalized', 'outerposition',[0.2 0.3 .5 .2]);
Play around with the parameters until you get what you want.


Tom 2012-9-8
编辑:Tom 2012-9-8
You could store the original axes size somewhere and reinstate that when required. For example, when the GUI loads you could store the position in the axes' user data:
and then apply the axes size each time you clear the image:
Obviously, watch out for units.

elassa houda
elassa houda 2020-10-27
i want how do you adjust the axes size to fitth the image


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