How to calculate gradiant at mesh points in pde toolbox and one more question?

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I'm going to calculate grad(u) at mesh points in pde toolbox. Is this a good way? :
[ux1,uy1] = pdegrad(p,t,u) ;
ux = pdeprtni(p,t,ux1) ;
uy = pdeprtni(p,t,uy1) ;
In addition I'd like to know what is meant by "center of triangle" in pde toolbox documentation? Are its coordinates as:
x_c = (p(1,t(1,j)) + p(1,t(2,j)) + p(1,t(3,j)))/3 ;
y_c = (p(2,t(1,j)) + p(2,t(2,j)) + p(2,t(3,j)))/3 ;

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