Finding the amplitude of different segments of a signal and rejecting the segments with amplitude higher than a particular threshold

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have an EEG signal and i have segmented them into segments of 1 second interval. I want to calculate the amplitude of each segment and then reject those segments that have very high amplitude (higher than a particular threshold). I want to know how to calculate the amplitude of each segment.

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-1-19
Not sure how you define "segment" but if it's simply being greater than some threshold, you can do this
threshold = 128; % or whatever...
segmentsToReject = eeg_signal > threshold; % Can also use < if you want.
Now, I'm not sure what you mean by "reject," but if you simple want to remove those elements, do this:
eeg_signal(segmentsToReject) = []; % Setting to null removes the elements.
  2 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-1-20
But a 1 second "segment" may be 50 or 100 elements, each having a different "amplitude". So how are you defining "very high amplitude" when you have 50 or 100 different values? Are you taking the mean value? The peak value? You have to specify because I can't read your mind.



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