Fmincon - Value-at-Risk Minimization - Incorrect values returned
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Hi all,
I'm having troubles using fmincon. A little help would be reaally appreciated.
So i'm trying to minimize the following function (Semi-Parametric Conditional Value-at-Risk) over w, the weight between two assets return series :
function adjcvar=adjcvar(rets,alpha,w)
%Portfolio return
%Mean return and StDev
%Skewness and Kurtosis
%Standard Normal inverse cumulative distribution function
%Estimated Quantile adjusted for Skewness and Kurtosis
Q=z+(z^2 - 1)*S/6+(z^3 -3*z)*(K-3)/24 - (2*z^3 - 5*z)*(S*diag(S))/36;
%Adjusted Value-at-Risk
%Adjusted Conditional VaR
Fmincon is used as follows:
options = optimset('Display','notify','Algorithm','active-set');
lbw=0; %Upper-bound
ubw=1; %Lower-bound
w0w=0.5; %Starting Value
What happens is that if I set w0w, the starting value, between 0 and 0.61, fmincon returns w=0. If i set w0w at 0.62 or above, fmincon returns w=1.
I know empirically that the right weight is around 0.61-0.62.
Fmincon returns the following message:
Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.
Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in
feasible directions, to within the default value of the function tolerance,
and constraints were satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
Active inequalities (to within options.TolCon = 1e-006):
lower upper ineqlin ineqnonlin
I'm quite new to fmincon and don't really understand why itjust goes to the upper or lower boundary and stops.
Thanks for reading and any advice you could give.
Have a nice day.
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This is a single variable minimization. You should try fminbnd instead of fmincon.
Also, try plotting adjcvar([ret.mscimin,static.vsfret],alpha,w) for w values between 0 and 1 and see is the difference in sizes.
4 个评论
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
Actually, in the sample I work on mu+sig*diag(Q) is never greater than zero, such that the min(x,0) is always at x within the boudaries set for w.
That doesn't eliminate the hazards of non-smoothness. FMINCON doesn't confine itself to the bounds during its search. Not by default anyway. Moreover, min(x,0) is only smooth where x is strictly less than zero, and it's not clear whether your bounds would guarantee that, even if obeyed.
Note that fmincon returns a close but different value than fminbnd (0.6144 against 0.6183).
That could be a matter of the stopping tolerances you've chosen in each.
更多回答(1 个)
Hello Sir can u provide a code of minimazing Value at Risk with the fmincon
i actualy want to minimize portfolio Parametric VaR for many assest returns
thank you very much
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