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How to code this?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Lucas 2014-1-25
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
Hi all,
Currently I have matrix which rows I want to divide into bins. However, the edges of these bins should be different for every row. Example:
Data= [ 1 1.5 2 3 4; 1. 2 4 5 6;]
edges= [1 2 3; 3 4 5]
I want to use the command [counts, bins] = histc(). I can code this using a for-loop, but is there a possibility to this in a vectorized way? That the output is a 2x5 "counts" and 2x5 "bins" matrix, in which the Data rows have been split according to different edges criteria?
Thanks in advance!

回答(1 个)

Amit 2014-1-25
histc supports matrixes. So you dont hove to use for loop.
  2 个评论
Lucas 2014-1-25
Hi Amit, Thanks for your response, but that doesnt answer my question. The question is about how to use multiple 'edges' vectors, so every row of a matrix is binned differently. "Histc" doesnt support that by default; you can input a matrix for edges, but histc sees it reads it as one binning criterium, rather than a new binning criterium for each row.
Amit 2014-1-25
I see. I think looping would be the option. However, if it only 2 rows and 2 edges, you can just use histc twice instead of for .. end



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