using arrayfun for a function with multiple inputs

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to call my Before function with a 1 x 40 structure called struct for the s input, a value of 0 for the begins input, and a value of 20 for the ends input, but I can't figure out how to make it work with arrayfun correctly.
Here's what I have now, and the error that it gives me is at the bottom:
x = arrayfun(@Before, [struct,0,20]);
function v = Before(s,begins,ends)
Numbers = s.H;
firstColumn = Numbers(:,1);
rowsUnder = (firstColumn>begins)&(firstColumn<ends);
sNumNew = Numbers(rowsUnder,:);
v = mean(sNumNew(:,3));
Error using horzcat
The following error occurred
converting from double to
Error using struct
Conversion to struct from double
is not possible.
Error in ComparingMeans (line 22)
x = arrayfun(@Before,[struct,0,20]);


Matt J
Matt J 2014-1-26
编辑:Matt J 2014-1-26
Multiple arrayfun arguments should not be concatenated. You need to do
x = arrayfun(@Before, myStructure, 0 , 20);
Since "struct" is also the name of a built-in MATLAB function, you will minimize coding hazards if you use a different name for it, like I did.
  3 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2014-1-26
编辑:Matt J 2014-1-26
Instead of passing scalars for 0 and 20, you'll have to pass vectors of the same length as myStructure
x = arrayfun(@Before, myStructure, a, b);
That's very strange. I thought arrayfun did scalar expansion. That might be only for gpuArrays....


更多回答(1 个)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2014-1-26
x = arrayfun(@(x1)Before(x1,b1,e1), your_structure)


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