Simulink single-link robot arm model example.

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to ask you guys, if you may, to clarify to me the single-link robot arm motion equation presented in Simulink, on Mathworks site and in their toolbox guides.
What I'm refering to is this example.
where u is supposed to be the torque supplied by the DC motor and ϕ is the angle of the arm.
It may sound stupid, but could any of you explain from the beginning how this equation took its final shape?
Thank you in advance, Mat.
  1 个评论
Chuong Nguyen
Chuong Nguyen 2016-4-11
-10 (N.m) is the Gravity Force, assuming the arm length is 1m.The torque created by gravity is -10*sin(phi) .
-2 is the friction coefficient. -2\phi_dot is the moment friction.


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