Error when using imshow()

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
bazinga 2014-2-6
I'm trying use imshow to display a colormap image, however I get the following error:
??? Error using ==> checkDisplayRange at 22 HIGH must be greater than LOW.
Error in ==> imageDisplayValidateParams at 57 common_args.DisplayRange = checkDisplayRange(common_args.DisplayRange,mfilename);
Error in ==> imageDisplayParseInputs at 79 common_args = imageDisplayValidateParams(common_args);
Error in ==> imshow at 199 [common_args,specific_args] = ...
What does this mean and how can I solve this problem? Any suggestions would be of help.

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-2-6
You used imshow() in the form
imshow(YourData, [LOW HIGH])
but your HIGH value was not strictly greater than your LOW value (e.g., might have been the same value or they might have been reversed.)
  2 个评论
bazinga 2014-2-6
Yes I have used that form. I have looked at the values; the maximum is 1 and minimum is 0.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-2-10
imshow doesn't think that you passed in [0 1], but I do not know what it thinks you passed. The values passed in: what class() were they?
At the MATLAB command line, command
dbstop if error
and run again. When it stops in checkDisplayRange have a look at what values the routine things HIGH and LOW have. Then command "dbup" enough times to get to the outer level of imshow() and see the values as they were received in the routine. Then dbup again and check the values as passed.



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