Get port data type by script

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kaushik 2014-2-13
Hi, I need to get the data types of all the inputs and output of arithmetic blocks in my model. I got the required results using 'CompiledPortDataType' command. But before using this command, the model has to be loaded and compiled. For this I used the commands load_system(Model_Name); and Model_Name([],[],[],'compile'). on using the compile command, I am getting following error. ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
But on running the same command with Actual_Model_Name instead of variable storing the model name, I am able to compile the model. Also, if I compile the model with the last mentioned command, I am still not able to find the data types of the inport of the Arithmetic blocks. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem. Here's the code I've written.
Model_Name([], [], [], 'compile')
Sum_blks = find_system(bdroot,'BlockType','Sum');
cnt = 1;
for sum_ctr = 1:length(Sum_blks)
blk_PH = get_param(Sum_blks{sum_ctr},'PortHandles');
Inport_handles = blk_PH.Inport;
for i = 1:length(Inport_handles)
InputDataType{cnt,1} = get_param(Inport_handles(i),'CompiledPortDataType');
cnt = cnt+1;

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