please how to declare ,increment, beam ,length ,in matlab progamme and the ,time according, to a moving load to past this length i have declares the length but I miss the, increment,

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M=30; % masse de la poutre KG/ML?? EI=200*10^7;% Rigidité flexionnelle de la poutre N/m^2 %l=22;%m
%les caractéristiques du sol c=0;% constante d'amortissement k=0.2*10^8;% rigidité du sol N/m^2 v=5;%vitesse m/s de chargement n1=5;%nombre des modes
%longueur de la poutre en m l=(3*pi/2)*(4*EI/k)^0.25; %m;
%les conditions initiales v_0=0;%m/s;vitesse initiale T_0=0.01*10^-4;%m déplacement initial t1=l/v;
for m=1:n1;
for x=1:l+1;
for t=1:t1;
beta=c/(2*M); B=T_0; w_d(m)=((((m^4)*(pi^4)*EI)/(M*(l^4)))+(k/M))^0.5; %pulsation propre w_n(m)=((w_d(m)^2)-(beta^2))^0.5;% pseudo pulsation A(m)=((v_0)+(B*beta))/w_n(m); T(t,m)=(exp(-beta*(t-1)*(A(m)*sin((w_n(m))*(t-1))+B*cos((w_n(m))*(t-1)))));
ww(x,t,m)=phi(x,m)*T(t,m);%(sin(m*pi*(xx1(i)-1)/l))* T(j,m);%((exp(-beta*(tt1(j)-1)))*(A(m)*sin((w_n(m))*(tt1(j)-1))+B*cos((w_n(m))*(tt1(j)-1)))); end end end
for x=1:l+1; for t=1:t1; ww1(x,t)=0; for m=1:n1; ww1(x,t)=ww1(x,t)+ww(x,t,m);
plot (ww1(:,2),'B'); hold on

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