How can I change this code to use it for a Circular aperture instead of the Rectangle Aperture?Thank you

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How can I use the circ instead of the rect below?
% sqr_beam propagation example
L1=0.5*10^-3; %side length
M=256; %number of samples
dx1=L1/M; %src sample interval
x1=-L1/2:dx1:L1/2-dx1; %src coords
lambda=0.5*10^-6; %wavelength
k=2*pi/lambda; %wavenumber
w=0.051*10^-3; %source half width (m)
z=10.0*10^-4; %propagation dist (m)
u1=rect(X1/(2*w)).*rect(Y1/(2*w)); %src field
I1=abs(u1.^2); %src irradiance
axis square; axis xy;
colormap('gray'); xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('y (m)');
title('z= 0 m');
u2=propIR(u1,L1,lambda,z); %propagation
x2=x1; %obs coords
I2=abs(u2.^2); %obs irrad
figure(2) %display obs irrad
axis square; axis xy;
colormap('gray'); xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('y (m)');
title(['z= ',num2str(z),' m']);
figure(3) %irradiance profile
xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('Irradiance');
title(['z= ',num2str(z),' m']);
figure(4) %plot obs field mag
xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('Magnitude');
title(['z= ',num2str(z),' m']);
figure(5) %plot obs field phase
xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('Phase (rad)');
title(['z= ',num2str(z),' m']);
************************************** I have a function for a circle but how can I iclude it in the code above? the circle function is:
function my_circ(imageSize, center,radius)
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here imageSizeX=imageSize(1); imageSizeY=imageSize(2); [columnsInImage rowsInImage]=meshgrid(1:imageSizeX,1:imageSizeY); centerX=center(1); centerY=center(2); circlepixels=(rowsInImage - centerY).^2+(columnsInImage - centerX).^2<=radius.^2; image(circlepixels); colormap([0 0 0;1 1 1]); title('Binary image of a circle');

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