Compiler - Can't start Matlab engine

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I tried to compile fengdemo.f with the matlab mex command. Matlab compiles the Fortran code without any error message. When I try to run the created fengdemo.exe I just get the message Can't start Matlab engine. I ran Dependency Walker on the file. Basically it can't find a bunch of .dll files. I'm wondering if I have to change something in the windows environment path?
Thanks, Pascal


Friedrich 2011-7-15
try to register MATLAB as COM server. Simply run this in MATLAB:
And make sure the bin\win32 or \win64 is on your windows PATH environment variable since e.g. libeng.dll is located there.
  2 个评论
Pascal Meyer
Pascal Meyer 2011-7-15
Thanks for the quick reply. Now I can run fengdemo.exe from the Matlab command prompt using !fengdemo.exe .
However, I can't just double click on the file to run it. I get the error message that libut.dll is missing.
Friedrich 2011-7-15
Like I said above:
And make sure the bin\win32 or \win64 is on your windows PATH environment variable since e.g. libeng.dll is located there.
Also libut.dll is located there. You can find these folders in your matlab installation folder.


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