Passing arguments into timer stopFCN in gui

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Hello all,
I'm having a little confusion on using a timer in data acquisition GUI. I was hoping someone could give me a little help with the syntax. Basically I have code that acquires data and looks like this
function acquireButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
sweepsPerTrigger = str2double(get(handles.editSweepsPerTrig, 'String'));
inter_stimulus_interval = str2double(get(handles.editISI, 'String'));
acquisitionTimer = timer;
acquisitionTimer.ExecutionMode = 'fixedRate';
acquisitionTimer.TasksToExecute = sweepsPerTrigger;
acquisitionTimer.Period = inter_stimulus_interval;
acquisitionTimer.StopFcn = @acquisitionTimerCleanup; %(acquisitionTimer, hObject, eventdata, handles);
acquisitionTimer.TimerFcn = @(myTimerObj, thisEvent)startAcquisition(hObject, eventdata, handles);
function acquisitionTimerCleanup(acquisitionTimer,~)
disp('Done Acquiring');
set(handles.acquireButton, 'String', 'Acquire');
set(handles.acquireButton, 'BackgroundColor', 'g');
The issue that I have is that the stopFCN cannot access the handles.acquireButton to change the string and background color. How do I go about passing "hObject, eventdata, handles" to the stopFCN so that it can modify them.
Thank you tremendously for the help. Quentin


Quentin 2014-3-3
Thanks Walter. I got an error message when I tried this. It said "Error while evaluating StopFcn for timer 'timer-1'. I'm assuming I need to modify the line
function acquisitionTimerCleanup(acquisitionTimer,~)
Is that correct? I'm not exactly what the ~ means in this case. Also was wondering if you describe why you used the @(src, evt) . I've never quite been able to figure out what the @ symbol means in these callback functions.
Thanks Walter.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-3-3
Provided that all you need is the button handles and they are not going to change after you configure the timer, then:
acquisitionTimer.StopFcn = @(src, evt) acquisitionTimerCleanup(src, evt, handles);
If you make any changes to the handles structure between the time that you configure the timer and the time the stop function runs, then the above will not work.


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