How to set a variable name in a code

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Hi, I'm writing a code to make operations on imported external data coming from several measurement sites and plot results. I would write a code in a general form for further applications. The name of the site changes and then also the name of the variable, where the data are stored, changes.
% this simple code imports external data, filters them and plots the results
fid = fopen('ALCAMOLOG.csv');
alcamo = importdata('ALCAMOLOG.csv'); == -999.25) = NaN;
alcamo_smoothed = struct('DEPTH',{,1)},...
'SP',{sgolayfilt(,2), 3, 71)},...
'GR',{sgolayfilt(,3), 3, 71)},...
'SN',{sgolayfilt(,4), 3, 71)},...
'LN',{sgolayfilt(,5), 3, 71)},...
'DT',{sgolayfilt(,6), 3, 71)},...
'RHOB',{sgolayfilt(,7), 3, 71)},...
'NEUT',{sgolayfilt(,8), 3, 71)});
figure(2); subplot(1,6,1);
plot(alcamo_smoothed.SP, alcamo_smoothed.DEPTH(:,1),'k-');
grid on; box on; xlabel([alcamo.colheaders{1,2}]); ylabel([alcamo.colheaders{1,1}]);
As you see the word "alcamo" compares several time (I'm operating on this specific site). How can I write this code in a more general form so that when I import new data from another site and a different site name is set, I haven't to change in the code the word "alcamo" by hand to run correctly the code, i.e.:
fid = fopen('PIPPOLOG.csv');
pippo = importdata('PIPPOLOG.csv'); == -999.25) = NaN;
pippo_smoothed = struct('DEPTH',{,1)},...
'SP',{sgolayfilt(,2), 3, 71)},...
'GR',{sgolayfilt(,3), 3, 71)},...
'SN',{sgolayfilt(,4), 3, 71)},...
'LN',{sgolayfilt(,5), 3, 71)},...
and so on! A solution could be don't use in the code the site name and use a more general name always valid. Then, to work in a separate folder for each site. This is the simplest solution, but I would solve this issue in programming language. Any advice? Regards, Gianluca


Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2014-4-10
Do not use variable names for variables. It is the content of a variable that should change, not its name!
filename = 'pippo' ; % you only have to change this!
% this is the same for all files
D = importdata([filename '.csv']);
D.OriginalFilename = filename ; % for later use
D( = NaN ;
D.SmoothData = struct ( . . . etc . . )
save([filename '_processed.mat'],'D')

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