I have collected data from a force plate for Trial 7 to Trial 54. I have imported the data into Matlab and it looks like the picture shown below, all the data is in a cell and you have to double click the cell to access the data.
My code so far is this:
%% Import data
numfiles = 54; % number of excel files mydata=cell(numfiles,1); % defining size of mydata
for k = 7:numfiles % loop to import mutliple excel files
myfilename = sprintf('Trial %d', k);
mydata{k} = xlsread(myfilename);
%% Define variables
a= 9.81 % acceleration fps = 250 % frames per second v = 0 % velocity
numberOfZeros = numel(mydata(7,1)) - nnz(mydata);
I have to calculate jump height which is this equation: jumph = ((a*(t*t))/2)
I need to calculate the time the person was off the force plate which is done by counting how many zeros are in the third column of the data which is contained within each cell of the variable 'mydata'.
This is what the data looks like contained within each cell:
I don't know the code which allows me to access the data within the cell then count the number of zeros in the third column all within a loop so it carries the action out on every cell which contains all the data.
Please could someone give me help with this.