How to plot an elliptical surface in Matlab?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello there,
Is there a way to plot an elliptical surface (elliptical plate) in Matlab? I've tried the code below (among other codes), but instead of an ellipse, I get a squared shape (I think it is because of meshgrid).
a= 8; b = 6; x=linspace(-a,a,60); y = b*sqrt(1-(x./a).^2);
x = [x; x(length(x):-1:1)]; y = [-y, y];
%y = b*sqrt(1-(x./a).^2);
z = ones(size(x));
Thank you,

回答(4 个)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014-4-22
编辑:Joseph Cheng 2014-4-22
depending on what you want to do with it matlab has the function
[x, y, z] = ellipsoid(0,0,0,8,6,3.25,30);
you'll only need half of the generated ellipsoid and you can flatten z to be 1.

Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2014-4-22
编辑:Andrew Newell 2014-4-22
You have defined the perimeter of an ellipse, and meshgrid just turns it into a square grid. The command patch allows you to plot your ellipse and fill it with your color of choice.
a= 8; b = 6; x=linspace(-a,a,60); y = b*sqrt(1-(x./a).^2);
x = [x fliplr(x)]; y = [-y y]; z = ones(size(x));
axis equal
The command axis equal ensures that the ellipse has its true shape and is not distorted by the scale.
Here is another example where z varies and the view is specified:
a= 8; b = 6; x=linspace(-a,a,60); y = b*sqrt(1-(x./a).^2);
x = [x fliplr(x)]; y = [-y y]; z = sin(x);
axis equal

fernanr5 2014-4-22
Thank you for your response. The problem is that z is actually a function of x and/or y. So say z=sin(x). In the code I set z = 1 just as an example, but I really want it to vary with x and y.
Appreciate your help.

fernanr5 2014-4-22
Thanks for your response. However, I am looking for a 3D plot (surface plot).
Thank you,
  1 个评论
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2014-4-22
It is 3D. You can rotate the axes using the rotate tool in the plot window or using view.
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