How to add and delete text on certain frames in a matlab movie?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all, I have managed to read and display text within a running AVI video file, but now i want to only add text to certain frames...e.g frame 1-20 and there any way i can i can add text from one frame to another instead of it displaying throughout the whole video.
thank you.
hText = text(x,y,'string');

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-4-25
If you have the Computer Vision toolbox then you can use inserttext()
(Note: you might find references to imtext() in postings; those references are either mistakes or obsolete and inserttext() is the correct name at the moment.)
  1 个评论
Anand 2014-4-25
编辑:Anand 2014-4-25
Thank you for the reply, i am already using the text() function to display text in the video which already works, so i dont need to use insertText()....the link you provided doesn't show how i would display text in different sure its just 1 or 2 lines of you know how i would do this...ive searched for hours on the net and on this this website but cant find a solution.... im sure an expert like yourself would understand this, im a beginner in matlab.



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