Is there any way to merge several figures already drawn into one fugure??

188 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everybody. I have a problem about how to merge several figures drawn already into one figure. It is impossible to merge these figures in the process of code writing, since it involves several large data file. Now I have already drawn all the figures i needed, how can these figures be merged together into one ? Thank you.
  1 个评论
atefeh nazari
atefeh nazari 2015-6-27
Hi I have a similar problem. I have 4 figures that are saved as ".fig" and in every of them, there is 3 curve simultaneously. I want to plot these 4 figures(every one has 3 curves in it) by "subplot" (subplot(2,2,1-4)) but I do not know how I can do it .May everybody help me ? Thanks



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-4-27

更多回答(2 个)

Roberto 2014-4-27
I think it's possible by extracting the data directly from plots; lets say you have two plots in different figures, get all the line objects, extract the x and y data from line properties and plot them in the same plot with hold on feature, here's a little example:
a= randn(1,100) ; b = randn(1,150) ;
h(1) = figure; plot(a); h(2) = figure; plot(b);
handleLine = findobj(h,'type','line');
hold on ;
for i = 1 : length(handleLine)
plot(get(handleLine(i),'XData'), get(handleLine(i),'YData')) ;
in the image I posted i've changed the marker and color of 1 line for clarity purpose.
  1 个评论
Genhou 2014-4-27
Thanks. the code you give me is to put two figures into one, sharing the same axes. it is very useful, although it is not what i wanted.the fault is made by myself since i described my question in an unclear way. thanks for you kind reply.


atefeh nazari
atefeh nazari 2015-6-26
Hi I have a similar problem. I have 4 figures that are saved as ".fig" and in every of them, there is 3 curve simultaneously. I want to plot these 4 figures(every one has 3 curves in it) by "subplot" (subplot(2,2,1-4)) but I do not know how I can do it .May everybody help me ? Thanks


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