How to create PC cluster ( 4 nodes) using Parallel Computing toolbox ?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
We seek advice on creating PC cluster ( 4 nodes) using Parallel Computing toolbox, where we shall execute our matlab .m code on PC cluster environment.
We are facing problem in setting up the environment, looked for video / documents and tried, but not successful.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014-5-8
Thomas Ibbotson asks,
This question is a little vague, could you provide more details about what you have tried and what hasn't worked for you.


回答(1 个)

Vishal_R 2014-6-30
I am assuming that you want to use PCT functions using numerous workers on your local machine. You can check all these properties by below mentioned steps.
1. Click on Home tab on your MATLAB 2. Click on Parallel, a drop down list will appear 3. Go to parallel preferences to setup number of workers. 4. You can explore other options as well. Try to run below mentioned command.
>>parpool(4) % to create pool of 4 workers
And, check if it works fine. If it works fine then you can your matlab code using these 4 workers.
However, if you want to run your code on network clusters then you can configure those clusters using Matlab distributed Computing server (MDCS). You can refer to this document (<>) for more details on the same. This document discusses how to configure your clusters so you can run your jobs on network clusters.


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